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Our story

Scholars Israel: Access to Higher Education Opportunities Abroad

We at Scholars Israel believe in creating a sense of capability, making knowledge accessible and opening up academic opportunities abroad to the Israeli public. We know that there are many opportunities available to Israelis that can provide higher education and funding, as well as a springboard for the rest of their lives. In our view, not enough Israelis are aware of this, and many people mistakenly think that they are not suitable for these opportunities.

As Israeli students who have studied abroad with scholarships, we know that this is an opportunity that expands horizons, creates new career paths and enables personal growth. In light of the lack of a uniform and clear source of information, we decided to set up this initiative and open the field to many more people from all backgrounds in Israeli society.

ScholarsIL is a non-profit social initiative set up specifically for anyone who wants to broaden their horizons. We understood that one of the challenges that prevents Israelis from thinking about higher education at leading institutions in the world is the high financial cost, so we put the emphasis on scholarships. Along with the articles on selected scholarships, we have also compiled a list of scholarships for students, and tips and other information that will help you reach your goal.

The Scholars Community, which consists of current and future scholarship graduates and students studying abroad, is on Facebook. Feel free to join, ask questions and start your path to receiving a scholarship. 

Project Members

חברי צוות נוספים ושותפים לעמותה בעבר ובהווה: סיוואר מנסור (חברת ועד ואחראית פרויקט סקולרז בערבית), יעל קישון (כותבת תוכן על מלגות אירופאיות), סער יוסקוביץ' (חבר ועד), ארן סגל (עו"ד העמותה)


לוגו קרן יזמות הבוגרים.png

The project was established with the support of The Bronfman Fellowship Alumni Venture Fund

Terms of Use

Although we make efforts to ensure that the information presented here is accurate and up to date, the Scholars Israel Initiative and its participants do not bear legal responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided. Furthermore, we are not responsible for the content, accuracy, amounts, completeness of the information or the representation of any of the institutions listed on the site. The reader is responsible for any use of the information provided.

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About Scholars Israel

ScholarsIL is a non-profit social initiative of graduates of scholarships from abroad, designed to make information about global academic and professional opportunities more accessible to Israelis

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